Many work-related conversations this year have, somewhat inevitably, tended to lapse into talk of the recession. On occasion it develops into a “conversation within a conversation”, something like “someone told me that such-and-such are busier than ever, but that’s just rubbish. It’s bleak out there and you’ve got to fight for every bit of business…” Well, leaving the he-said-she-said stuff to one side, the firework industry is always ultra-competitive but we’re also conscious that wedding fireworks displays are very much a product in the Marmite mould… Maximum excitement! Total waste of money! Suffice to say, you can’t convince somebody to have a wedding firework display if they don’t want one, and by the same token you can’t talk a real fireworks fan out of having a display at their wedding, recession or no recession: they either love it, or hate it. (And according to my anecdotal, unscientific research which of those groups you belong to is much more likely to be determined by a good/bad childhood experience of fireworks than any other factor, like gender.)
At this point can I introduce Kal. Our champion. Kal would According to Kal, his wedding firework display was non-negotiable. A cast-iron, inked-in, must-have part of the entertainment for his and Sarah’s wedding at Kilworth House. It doesn’t take much of a brain, (thankfully, for me) to realise that we like people like Kal. The brief for Kal and Sarah’s wedding fireworks display was simple: produce a spectacular show! Music? No. Preferred colours or effects? No. Personal likes and dislikes? Big is good. Noisy is good. (For those of you who may be thinking that Kal and I communicated like some sort of basic Neanderthals with grunts and single syllable words, I’d just like to point out that I have taken some degree of creative license with that summary of our conversation…)
The fireworks lover and the fireworks hater will never see things from the other’s point of view, and the best we can hope to do is amaze the enthusiasts, impress some floating voters to join our ranks, and move a few naysayers to reconsider. We knew Kal and Sarah would love their wedding fireworks display (which they both started with a simultaneous button push) but here’s what they had to say about it anyway.